Thursday, June 21, 2012

35 weeks 5 days

Oh wow, I'm due one month from today! I saw Dr. S. this morning. My BP was 122/79 and I didn't gain any weight in the last 2 weeks. I've gained 6 lbs total so far. He checked the baby's heart beat and it was good. He measured me and said I am right on track for 36 weeks and that the baby should be just the right size. He palpated and thinks baby is head down right above my pubic bone. That explains the constant need to pee! I had a Group B Strep test done and had bloodwork for other testing. I asked how long they let people go before talking induction and he said 41 weeks. If I refuse then, I will have to have 2 non-stress tests a week until I go into labor on my own. I will probably take the induction at 41 weeks if I go that far.  Overall, it was a good appointment and Dr. S. seems happy with how things are going.

Over the weekend we went to Target and got curtains for the baby's room and a few other things. We got 2 more crib sheets so we are ready. We have a few more things to buy that we plan to pick up in the next few weeks. I also need to work on the Thank You notes from my last few showers. I keep procrastinating. Bad!

Upcoming events:

6/28- Growth scan, Non-stress test
7/5- Dr. S. appt

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Today is 35/35! It is a kind of mini-milestone in pregnancy in that I am 35 weeks pregnant and only have 35 days left until my due date. I'm feeling pretty good, but I tire easily and don't sleep well at night. I also have some achy-ness along the sides of my belly from stretching. Baby boy is about 5-5.5 lbs now and gaining about half a pound a week. I saw Dr. S. last week for my biweekly appointment and he says everything is going well. My blood pressure continues to be good and I'm growing right on schedule. I see him again this coming Thursday and then start weekly appointments. 

We met up with some friends last weekend. Jess and Mike got us a really cute outfit for the baby and also the Rock N Play so he has someplace to sleep. Thank you Jess and Mike!

My office threw me a baby shower yesterday afternoon. It was really nice. Everyone came out and made a ton of food. We got a lot of great gifts too! I have about a month left before I go on maternity leave so I have been working with a few coworkers to get them ready to cover my clients. 

Today we went out to Target and got a few things we still needed for the baby, including a drying rack, which we will use for cloth diapers, blankets, and handmade items. We also got 2 more crib sheets and the curtains for his room. We have a list of things that we still need to buy and plan to work on that shopping over the next few weeks. We also plan to get the carseat set up in Todd's car very soon so that it will be ready before baby arrives.

Upcoming events:

6/21- Dr. S appt for Group B Strep test and a few other tests
6/28- Growth scan and Non-stress test, probably also Dr. S but appt isn't made yet.
Then I will have appts for Non-stress tests and Dr. S every week until I deliver. :-)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

33 weeks

Okay so that picture is actually from last week at 32 weeks. We went to PA to visit my family and have our baby shower there. We had so much fun! We arrived Friday night and had dinner with my parents. Todd's mom came out for the shower so she joined us. After dinner, we hung out for a while and then went to my grandparents' house, where Todd's mom was staying for the weekend. We hung out with the grandparents for a while and then came back and went to bed. It was so hot there! I think it was about 90 degrees and humid! On Saturday, we went thrift store shopping a little then picked up Todd's mom and my sister and went shopping at Once Upon a Child. We got lots of cute baby clothes. Then we met Todd and my dad at Five Guys and had lunch. The boys had been out running a bunch of errands all day and talking about books and history. After lunch, we all went to visit my great grandmother at the nursing home. She has Alzheimer's disease but seemed to be having a pretty good day. She was able to remember all of us. However, after about 45 minutes, she got distracted and wandered off so we decided to leave. We had dinner with my grandparents, Aunt Sue, Uncle Art, and cousin Andrew that night. After dinner we headed to my sister's house to have a bonfire and marshmallow roast. Unfortunately, it was pretty humid and we had trouble getting the fire started. Then it started raining. We were pretty tired after a long day, so we headed home to bed.

Sunday was our baby shower. Aunt Sue made all the food and my mom used her cafe for the shower.

 The cake. Created by my Aunt Rochelle and Aunt Susie. It was as delicious as it was adorable.
This is my friend Emily. We've been friends since we were 12. She is pregnant with her 3rd baby and is due about 3 weeks after me.

The baby shower was a lot of fun! My sister planned a few fun games including one where you had to taste baby food and figure out what flavor it was. It was so gross! There was also Baby Word Scramble, Guess the Number of Jelly Beans in the Bottle, and a raffle for door prizes. All the decorations were really cute and the food was delicious. We received lots of gifts too. Everyone was so generous and we are almost all set for the baby now.

I had an ultrasound this past Thursday at 32 weeks 5 days. Baby is measuring right on schedule and weighs about 4 pounds. His heart rate was 137 bpm and he is still head down. The tech said that my high risk Dr wanted one more cervix check so she did it and my cervix is still very long at over 4cm. I've been having some swelling in my ankles and feet since Monday so they checked my blood pressure. It was normal at 108/64 so the dr said to just drink lots of water and put my feet up whenever I can.

I am feeling pretty good, just soreness from stretching and hip pain. I have to pee all the time, which is kind of annoying.  Baby is kicking like a crazy person. He always kicks a lot right after I eat, but really he is just a kicking machine.

Upcoming events:

6/7- Dr. S. 34 week appt
6/28- 36 week growth scan and Non-stress Test

I will have another Dr. S. appt in there somewhere but it isn't schedule yet. It will probably be on the 21st though.

Only 7 weeks to go!